O Ziyá’u ’l-Haqq
(Radiance of God), Husámu’ddín, you art he
through whose light
has surpassed the moon (in splendour).
O you in whom hopes are placed,
your lofty aspiration is drawing this (poem)God knows whither.
You have bound the neck of this Mathnawí: you art drawing
in the direction known to you. The Mathnawí is running on, the drawer is unseen—unseen by the ignorant one who has no insight.
5. Inasmuch as you have been the origin of the Mathnawí, if it become increased (in size), (’tis) you (who) have caused it to increase.
Since you wishest it so, God wishes it so: God
grants the desire of the
In the past you have been (as) “he belongs to God,”
so that (now)
“God belongs (to him)” has come in recompense.
On your account the Mathnawí had thousands of
thanksgivings (to
render): it lifted
up its hands in
prayer and thanksgiving.
God saw thanksgiving to you on its lips
and in its hands: (therefore) He showed grace
and bestowed favour
and increase;
10. For to him that gives thanks increase is promised, just as nighness (unto God) is the
reward for prostration
(in the ritual prayer).
Our God has said, “And prostrate yourself and come nigh (unto Me)”: the prostration of our
bodies is become
the nighness of the spirit (unto God).
If increase is accruing
the Mathnawí), it is for this reason, it is not
for the sake of
vainglory and (empty) noise.
We are glad with
you as the vineyard (is glad) in the summer heat:
you have the authority:
come, draw (it on), that we may always be drawing (it on after thee).
Draw happily this caravan (onward)
to the Pilgrimage, O
Commander of “Patience is the key to
15.The (formal) Pilgrimage consists
in visiting the House (of God), (but only) the Pilgrimage to the Lord of the House
is worthy of a (true)
I called you Ziyá
(Radiance) Husámu’ddín
(Sword of the Religion) because you art
the Sun, and these
two (words)
epithets descriptive (of the sun);
For, mark you, this sword and this radiance
are one: the sun's sword (beam) is
certainly of the
Núr (light) belongs to the moon, and this ziyá (radiance) belongs to the sun: read this in the
The Qur’án has called the sun ziyá, O father,
and it has called the moon núr. Consider this!
20. Since the
sun is more exalted even than the moon, know,
then, that ziyá is superior to núr
in dignity.
Many a one
did not see the
way in the moonlight, (but) it
became visible as soon as the sun rose.
The sun displayed (all) objects
of exchange perfectly: of necessity, markets were
(held) in the
In order that
the false coin and
the good money
might come into view, and
that he (the
merchant) might be far
(immune) from swindling and
(The sun rose)
its light came to
perfection on
earth, a universal mercy to the traders;
25. But to the false
coiner it is
hateful and grievous,
because by it his money
and wares are
made unsaleable.
Hence the
false coin is the
mortal foe of the money-changer:
who is the enemy
of the dervish but the
The prophets contend with their
enemies; then the angels utter cries of “Save (them), O Lord,”
Saying, “Keep this
Lamp, which is
light-disseminating, far from the
puffs and breaths
of thieves.” Only the thief
and the coiner are adversaries of the light: succour
(us) from these
twain, O
30. Shed light upon the Fourth Book, for the sun rose from the Fourth Heaven.
Come, give light, like the sun,
from the Fourth
(Book), so that it may shine upon
(all) countries and inhabited lands.
Whoever reads it (as) an idle tale,
is (as) an idle tale; and he who regards
it as money
in his
own hands (real truth to be applied
himself) is like a man (of
It is the water of the Nile, which
seemed blood to the Egyptian,
(but) to the people of Moses was not blood, but water.
At this moment the
enemy of these words (the
Mathnawí) is pictured in (your) sight (falling)
headlong into Hell-fire.
35. O Ziyá’u
’l-Haqq (Radiance of God), you have seen his (evil) state: God
has shown unto you the answer
to his (evil)
Yours eye which beholds the invisible is a master(-seer) like the Invisible: may this vision and gift
vanish from this
If you wilt here
complete this
story, which is the
current coin of (directly applicable to)
present state, it is fitting.
Leave the unworthy folk
for the sake
of the worthy: bring the
tale to the end
and conduct it to
the issue.
If this story was not finished there (in the Third Book), it is (now) the Fourth Volume:
set it out in
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