Explaining that the particular (discursive) intellect does not see beyond the grave and, as regards all the rest, is subject to the authority of the saints and prophets.
The foresight
of this intellect extends
(only) to the
grave, while that of the spiritual man is till the blast
of the trumpet (of Resurrection).
This intellect does not pass
beyond a grave
and sepulchre,
and this (intellectual) foot does not tread the arena of marvels.
Go, become
quit of this foot and
this intellect: seek the eye
appertaining to the invisible (the inward eye) and enjoy (contemplation).
How should one subservient to a preceptor and in pupilage
to a book find,
like Moses, light
(his own) bosom?

Do not seek (spiritual) eminence
from disputation: for him who is
expectant (of Divine
inspiration) listening is better than speaking.
The office of
teaching is a sort of sensual desire:
every sensual
fancy is an
idol (source of polytheism) in
If every busybody had
found the track
(had attained) to His grace, how should God
have sent so many prophets?
The particular intellect is like the lightning and the flash: how is it possible
to go to Wakhsh in a

The lightning of our intellect is for the sake of
weeping, to the end
that nonexistence may weep in longing
for (real) existence.
The child's intellect said, “Attend school”; but it cannot learn by itself.
The sick
man's intellect leads him to the physician; but his intellect is
not successful in curing him.
Mark, the devils were going heavenward
and listening
to the secrets
on high

Saying, “Begone! A prophet
is come there
(on the earth):
from him will be obtained
ye crave.
If ye are seeking priceless pearls, enter the houses by their doors.
Keep knocking that
door-ring and stand
at the door: there is no way for
you in the direction of the vault of heaven.
Ye need not take this long road: We have
bestowed on an earthly
one the secrets of the

That Guide will cause verdure to grow from
your earth: he is not inferior to the hoof of the
horse of Gabriel.
You wilt be made verdure, you wilt be made
fresh anew, if you become
the dust of the horse of a Gabriel—
The life-giving verdure
which Sámirí put into the (golden)
calf, so that it
became endowed with the (vital) essence.
From that verdure it
took life and
bellowed—such a bellowing as confounded the foe.

The hood that binds eye and ear, whereby
falcon is (made)
wretched and abject.
The hood is (placed
as) a blind on the
eyes of falcons
because its (the falcon's)
desire is for its own kind.
When it has been
severed from its kind, it
associates with the
king: the falconer
unveils its eye. God
drove the devils from
His place of
watch, (He drove)
the particular intellect from its autonomy,

Go to the
heart, go, for you art
a part of the heart:
take heed, for you
art a slave of the just
To be His slave is better than
being a sovereign, for “I am better” is the
word of Satan.
Do you see the
distinction and pick
out (choose by preference), O prisoner,
the slavery of
Adam from the pride of Iblís.
He who is the Sun of the
Way uttered the saying,
“Good (túbá) betide every one whose carnal
soul is abased!”

The shade of (one) “whose carnal soul is abased” is a pleasant place for reclining: it is a (good)
sleeping-place for him that is
predisposed to that (spiritual)
If you go from this shade towards egoism, you wilt soon become disobedient (to God) and
lose the way.
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