How Dhu ’l-Qarnayn went to Mount Qáf and made petition, saying, “O Mount Qáf, tell me of the majesty of the Attributes of God”; and how Mount Qáf said that the description of His majesty is ineffable, since (all) perceptions vanish before it; and how Dhu ’l-Qarnayn made humble supplication, saying, “Tell of His works that
you have in mind and of which it is more easy for you to speak.”
Dhu ’l-Qarnayn went
towards Mount Qáf:
he saw that it was (made)
of pure emerald,
And that it had become
a ring surrounding the (whole)
world. He was
amazed at that immense creation (work of God).
He said, “You art
the mountain (indeed): what are the others? for beside
your magnitude they are
(but) playthings.”
It replied, “Those (other)
mountains are my veins: they are not like unto me in beauty
and glory.

When God wills an earthquake in any land, He bids me and I cause
the vein to throb.
Then I make to move mightily the vein with which
the (particular) land is connected.
When He says ‘Enough!’ my
vein rests. I am (apparently) at rest, but actually I am in rapid motion”—
At rest, like the (medicinal) ointment, and very active (efficacious); at rest, like the intellect, while the speech (impelled)
it is moving.

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