
(Masnavi Book 4: 55) The Prophet’s ﷺ promise of Paradise to Hazrat Ukkasha (R.A)

[The saying of the Prophet, on whom be peace, Whosoever shall bring me the glad news of the expiration of (the month) Safar, I will give him the glad news of (his being destined to enter) Paradise.”]

2585. The decease of Ahmad (Mohammed), (the prophet) of the last (epoch of) time, will indisputably occur in (the month of) the First Rabí.
When his heart shall gain knowledge of this moment of decease, he will become intellectually in love with that moment,
And when (the month) Safar comes, he will rejoice on account of Safar, saying, After this month
I will make the journey.
From this longing for (the Divine) guidance he (Mohammed) was crying, every night till daybreak, “O most High Companion on the Way!”
He said, “Any person who gives me the good news, when Safar steps forth from this world,

2590. That Safar is past and that the month of Rabí is come—for him I will be a bearer of good news and an intercessor.”
Ukkásha said, Safar is past and gone. He (Mohammed) said,O mighty lion (valiant hero), Paradise is yours.
Some one else came, saying, “Safar is past. He (Mohammed) said,Ukkásha has borne away
the fruit (has gained the reward) for the good news.
Men, therefore, rejoice in the world's departing (from them), while these children rejoice in its abiding (with them).
Inasmuch as the blind bird did not see the sweet water, the briny water seems to it (like) Kawthar.

2595. Thus was Moses enumerating the (gifts of) grace, saying, “The pure (liquor) of your fortune will not be turned into dregs.”
He (Pharaoh) said, “You have done well and spoken well, but (give me time) that I may take counsel with (my) good friend.

How Pharaoh took counsel with Ésiya (Ásiya) as to believing in Moses, on whom be peace.

He related these words (of Moses) to Ésiya. She said, “Offer up your soul to this, O black-hearted one,
At the back of this speech (of Moses) are many (Divine) favours: enjoy (them) quickly, O virtuous
The hour of sowing is come: bravo, (what) a profitable sowing! She said this and wept and became hot (in urging him).

2600. She sprang up from her place and said, Blessed art you! A sun has become a tiara for you, O poor bald man.

A cap in sooth covers the defect of the baldpate, especially when the cap is the sun and moon.
In that very chamber where you heardest this (speech), how didst not you say ‘Yes and (utter)
a hundred expressions of praise?
If these words (of Moses) had entered into the ear of the sun, it (the sun) would have come down headlong in hope of this.
Dost you understand at all what the promise is and what the gift is? God is showing solicitude
for Iblís.

2605. When that gracious One called you back so kindly, oh, it is a wonder how your heart remained unmoved,
(And how) your heart was not burst, so that, by means of that (burst) heart of yours, there might accrue to you the portion (of felicity) in the two worlds.
The heart that is burst for the sake of God's portion eats fruit from (enjoys felicity in) the two worlds, as the martyrs (do).
True, (this) heedlessness and this blindness is (a manifestation of) Divine Wisdom, in order that he (the heedless man) may endure; but why (be heedless) to such an extent as this?
True, heedlessness is (a manifestation of) Divine Wisdom and Bounty, in order that (his) stock- in-trade may not suddenly fly out of (his) hand;

2610. But not (heedlessness) so great that it becomes an incurable sore and a poison to the spirit and intellect of one who is sick.
Who, really, can find bazaars like this where with a single rose you art buying (whole) roseries; (Where) a hundred groves come (are offered) to you in exchange for one seed, a hundred
mines in exchange for one groat?
Kána lilláh is the giving of that groat, in order that kána lláh lahú may come into (your) hand;
For this weak unstable hú (personality) was brought into being by the steadfast (permanent)
of the Lord.

2615. When the hú that passes away has surrendered itself to Him, it becomes everlasting and never dies.
(’Tis) like a drop of water (which is) afraid of wind (air) and earth; for by means of these twain it is made to pass away (and perish.
When it has leaped (thrown itself) into the sea, which was its source, it is delivered from the heat
of the sun and from wind and earth.
Its outward form has disappeared in the sea, but its essence is inviolate and permanent and goodly.
Hark, O (you who art like a) drop, give yourself up without repenting, that in recompense for the drop you mayst gain the Ocean.

2620. Hark, O drop, bestow on yourself this honour, and in the hand of the Sea become safe from destruction.
Whom indeed should fortune like this befall? A Sea has become the suitor for a drop.
In God's name, in God's name, sell and buy at once! Give a drop, and take (in return) the Sea which is full of pearls.
In God's name, in God's name, do not make any postponement, for these words (of Moses) come
from the Sea of Grace.
(All other) grace is lost (vanishes away) in (comparison with) this grace, that one of the lowest is going up to the Seventh Heaven.

2625. Hark, for a marvellous falcon has fallen to you: no seeker will find it in (his) search.” He (Pharaoh) said, I will tell Hámán, O veiled (modest) one: the counsel of the vizier is necessary to the king.”

She said, Do not tell Hámán this secret: what should a blind decrepit old woman know about a falcon?

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