Commentary on the Verse, “And We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them save with real ground”: (i.e.) “I did not create them for the sake of just this which ye see; nay, but for the sake of the essential meaning and everlasting providence which ye
see not.”
Does any painter paint a
beautiful picture for
the sake of the picture
itself, without hope
of conferring benefit?
Nay, (he paints it) for the sake of
guests and young people who by diverting themselves (with
may be relieved from cares.
From his picture
(arises) the joy of children and the remembering of departed friend's by their friends.
Does any potter make a pot in haste for the sake
of the pot itself
and not in
hope of the water?

Does any calligrapher write
the sake of the
writing itself and not for the
sake of the
The external form is for the sake of the unseen
form; and that
took shape for the sake of another unseen (form).
Count up these corollaries to the third, fourth, or tenth in proportion to (your) insight.
As (for example) the
moves in chess, O son:
behold the result of each move in the next one.

Even so (proceed), having perceived reasons within reasons, one after the other, in order that
you may arrive at
victory and checkmate.
The first is for the sake of the
second, like mounting on the
steps of a ladder;
And deem the second to be for the sake of the third, (and so on) to the
end, in order that you may
arrive, step by
step, at the roof.
The desire to eat is for the
sake of the
semen: that semen is for the sake of
procreation and the
light (which glows in the
eyes of parents).

Whether the plant is summoned
(to move) or not summoned, its foot remains stuck fast in the mud.
If its head move with the motion
of the wind, go, be not deceived by its moving its head.
Its head says, “We obey, O zephyr!” Its foot says, “We refuse to obey: let us alone!”
Since he (the
man of dull sight)
does not know how to move
(on the Way to God),
he advances like the vulgar, stepping (forward)
on trust, like a blind man.

But those insights
that are not frozen (dense
and dull) are nothing
if not piercing and
veil- rending.
He (such a one) sees with his own eye at the present
moment that which will
come to pass in
ten years.
Similarly, every
one sees the unseen and the future, (both) good and evil, according to the
measure of his insight.
When the barrier in
front and the
barrier behind are removed, the eye
penetrates and
reads the
tablet of the Unseen.

(Namely), the disputation of the
terrestrial angels with the (Divine)
Majesty as to making
Father (Adam) the Vicegerent.
When he casts his eye forward
he sees plainly that
which shall be (all that shall come to pass) till the (Last) Congregation.
Therefore he sees back
to the root of the
root (the primal
and he sees
clairvoyantly to the Day of Decision.
Every one, according to the measure of his spiritual enlightenment, sees the things unseen
in proportion to the polishing
(of the heart's mirror).

If you say that
that (spiritual) purity is (bestowed by) the grace
of God, this success
in polishing
(the heart)
is also (derived)
from that (Divine)
That (devotional) work and prayer
is in proportion to the (worshipper's) aspiration: Man has nothing but what he has striven after.
God alone is the giver of aspiration: no
churl aspires to be a king.
God's assignment of a particular lot to any
one does not hinder
(him from exercising)
consent and will and choice;

(Whereas), when God brings some trouble on a good-fortuned (blessed) man, he
(approaches and) abides
nearer (to God).
In battle the pusillanimous from fear for
their lives have chosen
the means (resource) of flight,
(While) the courageous, also from
fear for their lives, have
charged towards the ranks of the
Rustams (heroes) are borne onward
by (their) fear
and pain; from fear, too,
the man of infirm spirit dies within himself.

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