
(Masnavi Book 5: 13) Description of the Cock

Explaining that the killing of the cock by Abraham, on whom be peace, signifies the subdual and subjugation of certain blameworYour and pernicious qualities in the heart of the disciple.

940. He (the cock) is lustful and much addicted to lust, intoxicated by that poisonous insipid wine.
Had not it (lust) been (necessary) for the sake of procreation, O executor, Adam for shame of it would have made himself a eunuch.
The accursed Ibs said to (God) the Dispenser of justice, I want a powerful snare for this prey.”
He (God) showed to him gold and silver and herds of horses, saying, By means of this you canst seduce mankind.
He (Ibs) cried Bravo! but let his lip drop sourly: he became wrinkled and sour like a lemon.

945. Then God offered to that fallen one gold and jewels from His goodly mines,
Saying, Take this other snare, O accursed one. He replied, Give more than this, O most excellent
(Then) He gave him oily and sweet (viands) and costly sherbets and many silken robes.
He (Ibs) said, O Lord, I want more assistance than this, to bind them with a cord of palm-fibre.
In order that your intoxicated (devotees), who are fierce and courageous, may manfully burst those bonds,

950. And that by means of this snare and (these) cords of sensuality your (holy) man may be separated from the unmanly,
I want another snare, O Sovereign of the thronea mighty cunning snare that will lay men low.”
He (God) brought and placed before him wine and harp: thereat he smiled faintly and was moderately pleased.
He (Ibs) sent a message to the eternal Foreordainment of perdition, saying, “Raise dust from the bottom of the sea of temptation.
Is not Moses one of your servants? He tied veils of dust on the sea.

955. The water retreated on every side: from the bottom of the sea a (cloud of) dust shot up.”
When He (God) showed unto him (Ibs) the beauty of women that was prevailing over the reason and self- restraint of men,
Then he snapped his fingers (in glee) and began to dance, crying, Give me (these) as quickly as possible: I
have attained to my desire.”
When he saw those languorous eyes which make the reason and understanding unquiet,
And the loveliness of that fascinating cheek on which this heart (of man) burns like rue-seed (on the fire),

960. Face and mole and eyebrow and lip like cornelian, it was as though God shone forth through a subtile veil.
He (Iblís) deemed that coquetry and light springing gait to be like the revelation of Divine glory through a thin veil.

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